One has to imagine the world as a sheet of paper and
a creator’s hand drawing, trying out objects which don’t
yet exist.
—John Berger
Steven Cushner describes painting as a three-way dance between
the objective (what is in front of the artist), the subjective
(what she or he feels and experiences), and the material (which
always has its own agenda, and embodies a resistance). Cushner’s
sources are all around him. And yet he is creating something
that is not yet visible.
—Paula Crawford, Professor of Painting
See Paula's Complete Review of the Show
Exhibition Dates:
March 15, 2004- April 7, 2004
Johnson Center and Fine Arts Galleries
Wednesday, March 17th:
Artist's Talk 4:30 pm, Fine Arts Gallery
Reception 5:30 - 7:00 pm, Johnson Center Gallery