Review of Austrian Economics is issuing a general call for papers. Papers
that are accepted for review, will go through a double-blind refereeing
process, and the editors are striving to have a 6 to 8 week turn around
on manuscripts.
Papers which address the following are particularly encouraged:
Empirical work
on the origin and evolution of the institutions of capitalism, including
work on the evolution of financial markets, the internal organization
of the firm, and the institutions of governance (political and economic)
in general.
Contemporary history on financial crises, in light of the Austrian theory
of the trade cycle (or in contradiction of it).
Work of a theoretical or empirical nature dealing with the transition
economies and emerging market economies in general.
The Review will
periodically run symposia, but that will not be the standard practice.
Instead, the Review will run as an on-going open submission forum, so
papers beyond the topics mentioned above are more than welcomed and
The Review no longer accepts submissions via email. We have now moved to an online submission system. Please visit the Editorial Manager for The Review of Austrian Economics to submit, review or track your manuscript.
If you have any
questions about the RAE, do not hesitate to contact the editor. Inquiries should be directed to:
Peter J. Boettke, Editor,
Review of Austrian Economics
George Mason University
Department of Economics, MSN 3G4
4400 University Drive
Fairfax, VA 22030-4444
phone (703) 993-1149
e-fax (703) 935-7535